Akashwani Recruitment 2013
The national broadcaster, Akashwani, popularly referred to as All India Radio has been an important part of every Indian since a long time. Before other means of communication came into existence, this was the sole medium of entertainment, information and education. It is considered to be the entertainment medium for the masses. The mission statement of this autonomous body is to present information in a balanced way without hurting the feelings of any caste, creed and community.
This body is considered to be World's largest medium of broadcasting. Akashwani uses a wide spectrum of languages in their broadcasts. It has always upheld its responsibility towards the general public. Young generation looks forward to the career opportunities available at this sovereign body.
The current job opportunity with Akashwani Recruitment 2013 is-
Particulars of the Advertised Vacancy: Deputy Director for Administrative Training
Vacancies Expected: 7 (Seven)
Recruitment Mode: On the basis of Deputation (for a period of three years)
Crucial Dates to be kept in mind:
•Advertisement Announcement Date and Application Receipt: 14th day in the month of November in the year 2012 •Last date of receiving duly filled applications: 25 days from announcement date. This date falls on the 8th day in the month of December in the year 2012.
Proposed Salary Range:
•Through Akashwani recruitment 2013, the selected candidates who will become the part of this autonomous body as as Deputy Director (Administrative Training) will be offered a pay scale in the Pay Band –III. As per this pay band, the proposed scale is Rs.15500 Rs-39100. Besides, the candidate will also be given 6,600 Rupees as Grade Pay. •Besides the salary as mentioned above, as per the regulations of the central government, the chosen candidates will also be given allowances and perks.
Eligibility Factors:
# Age: The incumbents' age must be well within the maximum age limit as per the regulations, that is, 56 years. This age criterion is a limiting factor and the age must be 56 or lower than that before the last date of application # Candidate's Job Experience: Minimum 5 years of service must have been completed by the applicants. This should be in accordance with the same pay band (PB-III). The Grade Pay can be 5400 Rupees or the candidates must have completed six years of job in Pay Band II with Grade Pay, 4800 Rupees.
Application Procedure: Applicants who wish to apply for this vacancy can download Application from through the online interface of Akashwani at http://allindiaradio.gov.in/Oppurtunities/Recruitment
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