Position Name: Vacancy for the post of Assistant Professor in Meerut.
Last Date: Last date to apply for the above recruitment will be 24 July 2012.
Educational Qualification and skills required to appear for this recruitment: Students or candidate who wishes to appear for this position should contain the following skills and academic qualification (i) Recognized veterinary qualifications included in the first and second schedule in Indian Veterinary Council Act; 1984 & must be registered with a State Veterinary Council/Veterinary Council of India. (ii) B.V.Sc. & A.H. with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade in the point scale. (iii) Master degree in the concerned discipline with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed with consistently good academic record (iv) NET/SLET/SET conducted by the ICAR/UGC/CSIR or any other Central/State Govt. agency shall be the minimum eligibility condition. (v) Preference will be given to Ph.D. degree holder.
Salary (in Rs): Qualified and selected candidate will be eligible to get the salary structure of around Rs. 15600-39100.
Procedure to pay Application Fee: Eligible and interested candidate who wish to apply for this recruitment can pay Draft of Rs. 1500/- (Rs. 750/- for SC/ST) for teaching posts (non refundable) in favour of Comptroller, SVP University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut payable at SBI, SVP University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut (Bank Code 10653)
How to Apply for this recruitment: Application on prescribed format along with enclosures and a bank draft should reach Dr. C.S. Prasad, Registrar, Post Bag No MT-01, Meerut H.O.I-250001 by post on or before the closing date 24/07/2012
For Details visit Official Website
About SARDAR VALLABH BHAI PATEL UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology established as a full-fledged University has unique honour of being called " First Agriculture University of the third millennium and the 21 st century ". It is committed to a unique mandate of integrating education research and extension so as to serve the rural people.
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